
Some of the services that Community Nourishment has to offer are herbal consultations, mentorship, spiritual guidance, & much more to come.
Let's take a look at what each of these offerings look like.
Wellness Consultations
A wellness consultation is the first and one of the most important steps we take when we begin working with you to set and achieve any health goals that you want for yourself.
During the consultation, Cameron asks you many questions that helps her to get an idea of how each system and organ in your body is functioning and how they are all working together.
We will go over your health history, your current state of health, and what goals you would like to set and achieve for your future health.
A one week food journal is required before our consultation and plays a very important role in our work together. Our diet is the foundation of our health and must be focused on to achieve your goals. This is no-judgement zone. It does not matter if you have the worst diet in the world or the best, Cameron needs to see what your foundation is before we begin building together.
Investing in a consultation with Cameron allows us to craft a unique plan of action specific to your body and your needs. With the information gathered during the consultation, Cameron will be able to formulate remedies and make recommendations of herbs that match your constitution and current needs. This saves us both time and reduces the risk of wasting herbs.
It is $71 for the initial consultation. Moving forward (we work with people for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year & even longer) you no longer pay for time, only remedies. This consultation is an investment into your health and assures that we are able to provide you with the best care possible.
We offer a sliding scale to those who may not have the funds to start this process.
Just send an email letting us know you are requesting assistance - further information may be requested to prove lack of funds.
After the consultation you will receive and email that will summarize what we discussed during our time together, what the plan of action is, what herbs / foods / lifestyle changes were recommended and why, and any other important information that will help you.
To book a consultation, you can click here for online booking:
You can also call/text Cameron at (904)-295-7384 or email her at:
Cameron Jewell is passionate about bringing affordable, quality health care to the community and is confident in her ability to help others create a life that brings them joy & fulfillment.
Words from Cameron Jewell:
If you are willing to make the choices necessary to change your life -
I am here for you.
Through 1:1 sessions, genuine love and support, nutrition & plant medicine - I believe that you can begin witnessing major improvements in your life
in as little as 3 months!
Remember - Real Medicine works WITH you, not FOR you.
Accountability, responsibility, and humility are required to create
the life that you desire.
Reach out to me when you’re ready!
Right now the mentorship package is $33 a week and this includes: 1hr one on one with me each week, either in person or through video/phone chat, discounted plant remedies and 24/7 access via telegram!